We could define our narration to be liquid. It cannot have a solid and irremovable form since each work is unique and requires different groundings. We are passionate about change, contradiction, and that which sneaks into unimaginable corners. This is why our narrative is

alive, constantly in motion, adaptable to a given moment. During the process of observing, harvesting, and recollecting what fascinates us, We ourselves become both creators and spectators.

The closest and simplest things are often the most beautiful. This is why we find inspiration in vernacular transmission: those stories and experiences that travel through memory, through the milieu of

the family. We are interested in the popular imagination, passed from

generation to generation. We want to safeguard and reshape collective memory, and at the same time ensure its transmission.

We like to listen to the present and observe the everydayness of our surroundings, from both a wide and a very precise point of view. We want to absorb, feel, and experience. From this mixture of sensations and emotions, we create as an expression that seeks a certain universality and empathy with those who observe.

Tenderness made me like water, and in this water there was everything I was running away from, and I don’t know why and I don’t know what all those dawns were because there are no words. No. There are no words … they should be created

La mort i la primavera- Mercè Rodoreda”